Australia and New Zealand Vicariate
Ø New South Wales
Ø Western Australia
Ø New Zealand
In Victoria Our Syrian Orhtodox community members are gathered and established
in Melbourne.
Therefore, in Melbourne we have ST. EPHRAIM'S CHURCH, led by Rev. Fr.
Iskandar Afram, (V. Rev. now). With the increase in the number of Syrian
Orthodox parishioners, there was a need to establish another Church. Hence MOR
YACOUB BURD'ONO Church was constructed, which is currently led by
Rev. Fr. Afrim Afram. This church was consecrated by H.H. Moran Mor
Ignatius Zakka I Iwas in January 1998.
This was in line with the expansion project
that started in the year 1992, when the Church in Victoria bought a block of land of 43 Acers
to establish properties for the Church. In the year 1994, H.H. Moran
Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian
Orthodox Church, and during his Apostolic visit to Australia blessed
this property thus declaring the establishment of a new Church building
in the name of Mor Yacoub Burd'ono, that was the first Church in Australia
that was built according to the Syriac Church's Style.
Further, the Syrian Orthodox Community bought a
new Church, under the name of St. Ephraim The Syrian. This church was
consecrated by H.H. Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas in the year 2002
Both these priests continue to serve the
increased number of the Syrian Orthodox people in Melbourne.
The Community of St. Ephraim
in Melbourne
has several activities either through the youth committee or the other
committees in the Church. They also have established their own website
that is dedicated to the news of their activities in Melbourne.
Mor Yacoub Burd’ono Church
has an active choir that participates in the Holy Masses and other celebrations
in that take place in the church.
The Community of Mor Yacoub Burd'ono in Melbourne held an education
evening that included dinner on 29th July 2000, during which the choir
of Mor Yacoub Burd'ono led by Rev. Fr. Afram Afrim, this was followed
by a lecture presented by V. Rev. Fr. Boutros Touma Issa on the lives
of Mor Yacoub Burd'ono and Empress
Theodora. On the following day Sunday 30th July 2000 V. Rev. Fr.
Boutros Touma Issa celebrated the Holy Mass, during which he read the
Apostolic Message {The Bull}
issued by H.H. Moran Mor Igantius Zakka I Iwas on the occasion of the
Church's celebrations of the 1500th anniversary of the birth of Mor
Yacoub Burd'ono and Empress Theodora.
The Community of St. Ephraim's
in Melbourne
has bought a Church that would accommodate 300 parishioners. The Community
of St. Ephraim in Melbourne
has a very active choir who issued a CD of the main hymns. This choir participates in the weekly
Holy Mass and in the main celebrations at the Church.
The community, and in the year
2001 commenced to issue the bi-monthly magazine under the name of "MELTHO"
that would educate parishioners about our Holy Church, Saints, Martyrs,
Fathers and Forefathers. The chief editor of Meltho is Mr. Matti Boutros
Matti. The first issue was published in January 2001, and the last issue
was published in 2004.

V. Rev. Fr. Iskandar Aphrem
Saint Aphrem Syrian Orthodox Church
2-4 Joffre St.
Vic 3073
Tel: +61 03 94702430

Rev. Fr. Aphrem Afram
Saint Yacoub Syrian Orthodox Church
78 Whites Lane Yuroke
VIC 3049
Tel.: + 61 3 93331145
© 1995 - 2008 Syrian Orthodox Church

File created: 25/02/97 7:15:00 PM
File last modified: 28-Apr-2008 10:24 AM