Syrian Orthodox Church
III (1980+)
It is clear, from what we have explained,
that the Syrian Orthodox Church is the most ancient one in the whole
of Christendom and that its Patriarch of Antioch once ruled over the
entire Christian East including various nations of different nationalities
and languages and had outstanding accomplishments in many fields by
the efforts of the inspired leadership provided by its patriarchs, even
when they had to pass through trials and persecutions. It is clear also
that the Church in the Middle East met with hard circumstances, which
resulted in the Emigration of its children in thousands to North and
South America and to Europe, especially to Germany, Sweden,
France, and Australia.
Hence the position of its Patriarchate was disturbed by moving from
one country to another. At last Damascus
became the Headquarters. Such was also the case with its Archdioceses.
Some of them ceased and new ones were established in other countries.
By the Grace of God, we are the Patriarch of Antioch
and all the East and the Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox
Church. We have at present about two and a half million followers, most
of whom are in India and the rest are in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan,
Egypt, Turkey, Europe and north and South America. We have also a Catholicos
in India
whom we consecrated in 1964 whose title is the "Catholicos of the
East". There are also 22 Archdioceses in the Middle East, India and North America.
In India
we have many missions which preach the Gospel among the Heathen. At
present, many of our followers are university graduates and are highly
educated. Our boys and girls in the Middle East
receive their primary and secondary education in our own schools and
continue their higher study either in government or in Western private
colleges. But in India
we have our own colleges. We have two major theological Schools to educate
our clergy; one of them is in Lebanon
and the other in India.
Recently we have started a few Social Welfare institutions. We are very
glad to say that we have received some aid from the Evangelical Churches
in Germany.
Our vision of the fraternity of Christendom and of all mankind led us
in 1960 to join the World Council of Churches which we consider a hopeful
sign for the future of Christianity and the mankind at large. Although
the number of the followers of our Church is reduced due to the dreadful
calamities and severe persecutions which befell our Church, we are very
proud of our Church , of its Syriac (Aramaic) language which is the
mother tongue of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of its many activities.
We are also proud that we are the descendents of the Martyrs.
© 1995 - 2008 Syrian Orthodox Church

File created: 25/02/97 7:15:00 PM
File last modified: 26-Apr-2008 7:51 PM