Syrian Orthodox Church
III (1980+)
Theodosius II died in 450. His death altered
at once the state of affairs. The new rulers Pulcheria and Marcian (who
was elevated to the throne by marrying her), were as partial to Leo
as they were hostile to Dioscorus, according to Dr. John Gieselr. Particularly,
Marcian was an intimate friend and follower of Nestorius. Hence a new
general council was held at The council of 1- It is well known that the Nicene Creed
and the Tome of Leo are contrary to each other. For the Creed has attributed
the mighty and humble deeds of Jesus Christ to one who is the incarnate
Word of God by saying : "Real God of Real God.... descended from
heaven and was incarnate .... crucified and he suffered, died, and was
buried, he arose and ascended to heaven....." . But the Tome has
attributed the mighty deeds to the Godhead and the humble ones to the
manhood. On this basis itself the council refused to maintain that One
of the Holy Trinity suffered and was crucified, while St. Paul himself
attributed the shedding of blood on the cross to God and called the
crucified "The Lord of glory". The council of
2- It is also clear that the Formula of
the Council of 3- We do not know how the council of Chalcedon
acknowledged the orthodoxy of St. Cyril of Alexandria, while it accused
him indirectly to have maintained "one mixed nature for the manhood
and Godhead of Christ, and the suffering of the Divine nature",
just as Nestorius, Hiba and Theodoret did before, whereas it is well
known that this is the teaching of a heretic called Eutyches, who appeared
after the death of St. Cyril and defended his teachings, but failed
to follow him in the true path. It is true that St. Cyril maintained
that the person who was crucified and who suffered was the incarnate
Word of God, that is, one of the Holy Trinity in manhood. Dr. John Gieseler
says : "Cyril too, for the purpose of sparing the Egyptians, was
declared orthodox". "How little convinced the prevailing party
of Cyril's orthodoxy is clear from the fact that Gennadius, Patriarch
of From this we can summarise that the members
of the council of Although the council acknowledged the teachings
of Nestorius it agreed with Cyril's teachings concerning the one compound
person. But its followers in the following centuries neglected them
and maintained only one Divine and simple person in Christ. © 1995 - 2008 Syrian Orthodox Church File last modified: 26-Apr-2008 7:56 PM |